Easy Keyboard Shortcuts to Make Your Web Browsing a Breeze

The most popular shortcuts we all know are CTR+C and CTR+V. Beyond these shortcut keys, there are much more which are useful and You can learn to use to save your precious time. Come on!
Lets get into it!

sauce: Bing image generator

Opening New Tabs

Do you ever get tired of clicking your mouse to open a new web page? Well, you can just press Ctrl + t on your keyboard to open a brand new tab. It's super easy and way faster than using your mouse.

Reopening Closed Tabs

Oops, did you just close a tab by mistake? No problem! Just press Ctrl + Shift + t and it will pop right back open. This is a lifesaver if you accidentally close something important.

Closing Tabs

When you're done with a tab, you can close it out by pressing Ctrl + w. This closes the current tab you're on, so you can keep your browser nice and tidy.

Switching Between Tabs

Trying to keep track of all your open tabs? Use these handy shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Tab will take you to the next tab
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab will take you to the previous tab
  • Ctrl + 1 through Ctrl + 8 will jump you straight to that specific tab number

Going Home

Want to quickly get back to your home page? Just press Alt + Home and it will take you right there.

Revisiting Your History

Need to go back to a page you looked at earlier? Use these shortcuts:

  • Alt + Left arrow takes you back to the previous page in your history
  • Alt + Right arrow goes forward again

Closing Everything

When you're all done browsing, press Ctrl + Shift + w or Alt + F4 to close out the entire browser window.

Other Useful Shortcuts

Here are a few more handy shortcuts to try:

  • Ctrl + D Bookmark the current page
  • Ctrl + F Open the find bar to search for text
  • Ctrl + (+/-) Zoom in or out on the page
  • Ctrl + 0 Reset zoom level to default
  • F5 or Ctrl + R Reload the current page
  • Ctrl + Shift + R Reload the current page, bypassing cache
  • Ctrl + Shift + Del Open the Clear Browsing Data dialog

Shortcuts in a nutshell 🌰:

sauce: ChatGPT

I hope these shortcuts make your web surfing easier and more efficient. No more clicking around with your mouse - just use these handy keyboard tricks instead! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Tools used :

Claude, Chatgpt - assisted me in content creation,writing
Bing ai - createdThumbnail images


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